"Life in all its fullness"

Sixth Form Application Form

The Associated Sixth Form was founded on an ecumenical basis in 1973 and has a distinctive Christian ethos.  Applications are welcomed from prospective students on that basis.

Students will be considered for admission into the Associated Sixth Form providing they meet the entry criteria as set out in the prospectus and Admissions Guidance.

Year 11 students from any school can complete our application form online or ring the Associated Sixth Form Administrator, Mrs Ryan-Horne, on 01423 818516 to ask any questions about applying.


If you would like to receive future updates about the Associated Sixth Form please email associatedsixthform@staidans.co.uk and we will be pleased to add you to our mailing list.


Late Applications

Students who would like to apply for a place in the Associated Sixth Form, have missed the application deadlines, however Applications will be reopened on 22 August (GCSE Results Day) here, on our websites.  Applicants should complete the form, either Internal Application (someone who was in Year 11 at St Aidan’s or St John Fisher) or External Application (students from other schools) on 22 August and email their GCSE statement of results at the same time to associatedsixthform@staidans.co.uk.  They will be contacted within a few days to be told if we can offer them a place on their chosen courses.


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