"Life in all its fullness"


St. Aidan’s Staff

Senior Leadership Team


Mrs S DoverHeadteacher
Mr I AddisonDeputy Headteacher (DSL and Pastoral)
Dr L HoltAssistant Headteacher - Director of Sixth Form
Mrs K DouglasAssistant Headteacher (Inclusion and Student Wellbeing)
Mr D HoldsworthAssistant Headteacher (Behaviour, Culture and Enrichment)
Mrs C KingAssistant Headteacher (Assessment, Progress and Reporting)
Mrs M GeeAssistant Headteacher (Learning and Professional Development)
Mr T HainsworthSenior Leader (Systems Implementation Lead) - Quality Assurance and School Improvement

Heads of Year

Mr D BeanHead of Year 7
Mr G HubandHead of Year 8
Mr P Alker Head of Year 9
Ms E ReynardHead of Year 10
Mr L MargerisonHead of Year 11

Heads of Department

Miss C MetcalfeArt
Dr M BryantBiology
Mr M PerryBusiness & Economics
Mr M SymesChemistry
Miss S MillerDance
Mr G ButcherComputer Science/ICT
Mrs E LevahnDrama & Theatre Studies
Mrs S ByrneEnglish
Mrs R BuchanEPQ
Mr N BotterillEngineering/Product Design
Mrs J BetteridgeFood & Textiles Technology
Dr M BryantHealth & Social Care
Mrs A LennoxGeography
Dr F MurrayHistory
Mrs J RowlandLearning Support
Mrs F TroughtMedia
Mr D WalkerMathematics
Mr A MacCallumModern Foreign Languages
Mrs V ElliottMusic
Mr J StroverPhysical Education
Mr J WilsonPhysics
Dr F MurrayPolitics
Mr B PayntonPsychology
Ms K WilsonReligious Studies
Mr M ParkSciences
Mrs Y WraightSociology

Form Tutors

7CDr S O Mahony8C Mrs O Morgan
7DMr D Weare8DMiss C Metcalfe
7EMr S Taylor8EMiss P Chappell
7GMs A Jones8GMrs A Fisher
7PMr G McVey8HMrs S Stone/Mrs K Clark
7SMiss K Blackburn8PMrs K Sherwood
7WMrs R Christy8SMrs D Cartwright/Mrs J Duckworth
7YMr M Keating8WMrs A Forsyth
8YDr M Bryant
9CMrs A Hedges10CMrs A Murray/Mrs T Connolly
9DMr W Normington10DMrs L Taylor/Mr J Charlesworth
9EMr R Kirkpatrick10EMiss L Francis
9GMrs J Candy/Mrs M McInally10GMr D Elliott/Mr N Botterill
9PMiss J Mooney10PMiss C Bramley
9SMrs S Robertson/Mrs E Searby10SMr G Sillifant
9YMr C Walton10WMr T Harrison
10YMr J Wilson
11CMr M Symes
11DMr G Butcher
11EMiss S Wadhams
11GMrs C Hunter
11PMrs P Everingham/Mrs C Bassindale
11PMrs A Parris
11SMr P Lamb
11WMr M Park

Sixth Form

Mrs R McQuireDeputy Headteacher and Key Stage 5 Lead
Mrs K OrtonDeputy Director of Sixth Form
Mr N DinsdaleAssistant Director of Sixth Form

Senior Tutors

Miss L Blewitt
Mrs R Buchan
Mr J Cleminson
Mr M Harper
Mrs C Bramley
Miss H Goacher
Mr J Maullin
Mr B Paynton
Mr A Rosser
Mr P Taylor
Mr R Illingworth
Miss M Walker
Mr M Walsh
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