"Life in all its fullness"

Work Experience

Current Virtual Work Experience Opportunities 

Work Experience is a vital part of Secondary Education and enables students to better understand where and how their unique skills and talents might fit into the Future World of Work.  

Invariably a work placement proves to be a powerful and sometimes a pivotal experience, opening eyes and minds to career opportunities and paving the way towards future goals and aspirations. Most importantly, it inspires confidence and reassures students that they have, or can readily develop, skills that employers need. 

St. Aidan’s has excellent links with local business and organisations who actively engage and support the school’s careers programme.

Virtual Work Experience 

Many companies have developed some excellent Virtual Work Experience opportunities which have proved so effective that the format is most definitely here to stay. Professionals working with some of the UK’s largest companies and nationally recognised organisations have devised engaging and insightful online work experience opportunities. This has provided students with opportunities that ordinarily they may not have had access too. 

Speakers for Schools and Springpod have emerged as brokers of very high quality virtual opportunities and many of our students have benefitted hugely from taking part in their programmes – read some of their testimonials here.  

Preparing for Virtual Work Experience – Factsheet 


Year 11 

We strongly promote our annual Year 11 Work Experience Programme and encourage students to use their own networks or proactive research techniques to secure a placement in specified weeks at the end of the summer term. In addition, a combination of one-to-one help and advice via lunchtime drop in workshops, plus access to a comprehensive work experience database ensures around 200 successful opportunities each year.  Please contact the Careers Department for further information. 

Sixth Form

Year 12 students may be authorised to take part in work experience of up to 5 days during an appropriate time within the academic year. This can be either virtual or in person.  Individual verification and safeguarding checks will be made by the school requiring at least 2 weeks’ notice. All requests for in-person work experience must be submitted to the careers department giving at least two weeks notice and must be made by the 24 May 2024. If the placement falls within school time (virtual or in-person), please contact the careers department.


Please contact the Careers Team if you have any further questions or concerns about work experience.


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